Thursday, 17 March 2011

Bistopia vs dystopia

I put it to you sweet readers, that your life can be measured in biscuit bites of time. Frantic day to frantic day, we move from one place to the next barely acknowledging our surroundings and never savouring life's most excellent offerings. 

Such is the mood of Biscuit House, we are awash with biscuits and happenings of monumental precedence, yet time crumbles through the hour glass as we sit and wait for what is next. And so, the packets have come and been consumed and their houses tumbled into the recycling or the bin, while we chew up what was baked with care, once, long ago. 

Fig rolls, they're not biscuits but they are of the Holy land and figs they contain, which are good for your digestion, much like digestives wish they could be.

Oooo Mikado, how queer. Pretzels enrobed in chocolate. That couldn't possibly work??
As the doucumentary evidence below shows, they are very moreish and endlessly gobbleable in three or less bites. So quick to eat, so light to carry, so forgettable. Believe.
Whole Mikado.        
Beheaded Mikado.    
Packet of Mikados for one's snack pocket.

Now for some daily controversy, of the sort sought out by ABC news when they interviewed my friend (a staunch republican) South of the river, about the Royal wedding and Britannia's building excitement, which he swiftly bulldozed in a 30-minute rant.

So negro biscuits a la Turkey, hard to come by and only to be found round the back of dodgy corner shops. They look like Oreos but smell like dog biscuits. We didn't like them, they're kept as a top-draw snack and will probably be most favoured/flavoured by dogs.

Three's a crowd.

Lattice is massive in Turkey. 

The real deal. Oreo. Lacks controversy but never fails to leave you with black bits in your grill.

 Farewell Biscuiteers, may you muse and mumble over some biscuit crumb-le.

1 comment:

  1. Your mastery of the English language leaves me breathless.
