Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Sadly miss-cuited yesterday

There was no post yesterday biscuiteers. Of course, this left a void in all our lives but we had to let pancakes have their day. But nevermind, today biscuits reign again, crumbs belated bestowed on all our shoulders.

So continuing this regal bent, we turn to Bourbons. 

Oh bastions of the benign office day! Chocolate in outward garb but distantly distinct with a taste all of their own making. Let us look further at the history of this biscuit ruler.

Wikipedia tells us:

The Bourbon was introduced in 1910 (originally under the name Creola) by the Bermondsey biscuit company Peek Freans, of London, originator of the Garibaldi biscuit.[1][2] It is apparently named after the House of Bourbon, an aristocratic French and Spanish family. The Palais Bourbon is the seat of the French Parliament (in the same way that the Palace of Westminster houses the UK Parliament).

So the great Peek Freans gave us this sweet suitor as well as the famous Garibaldi, or fly biscuit, as Biccix likes to call them. Bless their Bermondsey baking mitts.

Everytime I bite through a Bourbon biscuit I hope to respectfully remember the swift fall of the guillotine on those poor French aristo heads, crumbly crumb.

Onwards and upwards friends -  the afternoon was sweetened by the delectable presence of the below cherry chocolate creams. These I would highly reccomend as an exotic outing from their strawberry brothers eaten at Biscuit House last week passed. Damn good show Fox's!

And so to the climax of this busy day. But one thing to remember, when arranging biscuits upon a plate, always do so with a light and free hand. None of this regimented lines stuff Biccix.

Cheerio biscuit brothers and sisters


  1. I feel too strongly about this to let it go by without comment. It shouldn't matter how the biscuits are arranged! Surely it is only the divine taste sensation that matters? Next you will be telling me I should be serving them on my finest china!

    Other than that, jolly good show. You've done justice to two biscuiting greats. (also I liked the use of imagery to really make the guillotine story as hard hitting as possible. I was close to tears.

  2. Thanks Fozzles, moving it should be. With regards to the biscuit arranging, I would say that fine china certainly is the best setting for them. Eating straight from the packet may be adequate for everyday office life, but sometimes biscuits need better. Would Borubons of 1910 be happy to be chucked upon any vessel going?? I think not. These are classy and demand sacred space on a plate.
